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Amateur Wrestling Reports

Gable: Taylor should follow model created at Penn State, Iowa

Note: Similar to David Taylor being named head coach at Oklahoma State, Dan Gable was also hired to coach a college program (Iowa) shortly after a stellar career as a wrestler in the 1970s. Gable, who won 15 NCAA titles in 20 years with Iowa, recently spoke to WIN Editor Mike Finn about Taylor’s new position and the comparisons.
WIN: What did you think when you heard Oklahoma State hired Olympic/World champ David Taylor?
GABLE: Historically, Oklahoma State has been on the top of the list when it comes to all-time NCAA team championships (34). That record is impressive. But other schools have been catching up while Oklahoma State has not won a title for awhile (2006). I like to think the administration at Oklahoma State knew this and had to make something big happen when it came to naming a new head coach. He made a smart move because he had “blueprints” of what other schools have done to get back into contention … and that includes when Iowa hired me. And the same thing could be said when Penn State went after Cael Sanderson.

This Q&A appeared in the May issue of WIN Magazine. Click on the cover or call 888-305-0606 to subscribe.

Like at Iowa and Penn State, Oklahoma State took their administration people full force and their money people full force and they had a name out there they went after. And David Taylor was among the most current credentialed wrestlers out there. Also, Penn State is dominating college wrestling now and who was tied with that domination? David Taylor.
WIN: Was it a gamble to hire David Taylor considering he has never coached college wrestling?
GABLE: He has coached young wrestlers at his academy, including some who are now at Penn State like Levi Haines. When Iowa hired me, I had the title of a graduate assistant at Iowa State while I was training to compete in the 1971 Worlds and 1972 Olympics. Taylor has been around college wrestlers while training at the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club.
But the one thing that Iowa and Penn State provided was a model for programs to go after names like David Taylor. I have to give Oklahoma State a lot of credit. It was right in front of their face and now they are taking that model.
I also don’t think it’s a gamble by Oklahoma State. Everything is a gamble, but some things are so proven that the gamble becomes a reality. This does not mean Oklahoma State will take over college wrestling like Iowa and Penn State did. Because there are other places that also want to make that model come true. Kevin Dresser at Iowa State and Sean Bormet at Michigan are two examples and all coaches should be looking at this model of how to be successful. Even Little Rock has shown that by getting money people to invest in its program.
WIN: Similar to what happened at Iowa and Penn State in hiring you and Sanderson, Oklahoma State went outside its program to hire Taylor. Why is that important?
GABLE: Iowa State, hiring Dresser, a former Hawkeye, was also a good example of … more at … WIN-magazine.com/Gable-taylor-should-follow-model-created-at-penn-state-iowa

June 26, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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